Dear Residents and Community Members,

I am honored to address you through this platform as the Chief of the Rivertown Police Department. Our mission, first and foremost, is to serve and protect this vibrant community that we are privileged to be a part of.

At Rivertown PD, we are dedicated to fostering a safe and secure environment where every individual can thrive without fear. We believe in an approach that values open communication, cooperation, and partnership between law enforcement and the community. Together, we can achieve remarkable things – from preventing crime to addressing concerns and building lasting connections.

As we embark on this journey, our officers are committed to upholding the highest standards of professionalism and integrity. We are here not just to enforce the law, but to engage, educate, and collaborate. Your input and feedback are invaluable in shaping our strategies and priorities.

Thank you for entrusting us with the responsibility of safeguarding Rivertown. Let's work hand in hand to make our home an even better place for all.

Stay safe and look out for one another.


[Chief's Name] Rivertown Police Department

Chief of Police

News and Events

Staying Safe During the Holidays: Tips for a Joyous and Secure Celebration

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